
Historie Simulátoru jako na dlani

v 0.2


  • Želivského
  • Můstek [A]
  • Muzeum [A]
  • Nemocnice Motol
  • Depo Hostivař
  • Zličín
  • Můstek [B]
  • Národní Třída
  • Černý most
  • Letňany
  • Háje
  • Muzeum [C]
  • Florenc [C]
  • Hlavní nádraží


  • better sounds for metro in opposite direction
  • station start and end indicators (where to stop)
  • shop
  • button clicks alert tones, and other UI SFX
  • in game music
  • footsteps, flashlight SFX
  • custom cursor
  • walk bobbing
  • setting controls for walking
  • smoother cabin-door openning
  • new flashlight model
  • debug menu
  • ADs can have links and are interactible
  • ADs management
  • new splash screen
  • new menu backgrounds
  • item view panning with mouse (manual…)
  • login screen
    -> accounts and storing progress on them
    -> bug report
    -> user stats
    -> game sessions stats
    -> daily rewards
  • indicator when new version will be available and countdown
  • better map (by epochs and advanced epoch list)
  • better metro control
  • demand door
  • player double jump
  • white metro on B line


  • wide resolution to all UI be visible
  • when going outside from your metro as driver at the end of line, metro will then turn to AI driven
  • better sounds for metro in opposite direction
  • some tunnels are now fixed
  • mirros glitch
  • respawn when fell of
  • doors can be oppened while driving in tunnel

v 0.1.6


  •  Želivského


  • No network connection loading window
  • Fidelity FX in graphics settings


  • Loading text translation
  • Apply and close button don’t have translation
  • A15_fora text
  • Flora station reputation
  • Dejvická coliders
  • Controller settings fixes

v 0.1.4


  • Jiřího z Poděbrad 


  • death
  • numbers in front of metro
  • higher cost for later epochs
  • better play window in menu
  • some new icons
  • new version alert
  • new version coundown
  • changelog ingame by clicking on version
  • countdown to next version update
  • new controlls settings – check for collisions
  • added controlls setting for UI and FPS counter
  • added units and date format into settings
  • added quality settings
  • debug menu TAB
  • fly cam added to debug menu
  • new loading wheel
  • some new (line A) voices
  • some new menu backgrounds


  • Dejvická bin colider
  • menu canvas layout
  • Budějovická metro is not starting
  • moved UI of altitude
  • key manager faster scroll
  • timecoins in menu layout adjusted for different sceens
  • lower FPS on A line
  • you can now see on to another tunel ex. Vyšehrad tunel
  • hide cafe a manual on inactive cabin
  • I.P. Pavlova metro have separated vagons
  • countdown under 30s is not visible
  • M1 and 81M metro select button visibility after reaching year 2000
  • trophy model verticies fixed
  • end of line popup is now only if player is in cabin
  • transfer stations are available in right epoch

v 0.1.3


  • music and sound setting divided
  • removed render distance settings
  • new control settings


  • tunels lagging fixed
  • too far from metro alert removed
  • more time for traveling between stations
  • better reputation mode select button in menu
  • Florenc [B] spawn fixed
  • Dejvická texture fixed
  • End of line dilog -> Main Menu button fixed

v 0.1.2


  • added fidelity FX for better performance
  • press „P“ for hiding UI


  • naming of stations
  • translations in maps